james a haley造句


  1. To recapitulate some of the neurological and neurobehavioral symptoms experienced by the veteran population of recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, researchers at the Roskamp Institute and the James A Haley Veteran s Hospital ( Tampa ) have developed an animal model to study the consequences of mild traumatic brain injury ( mTBI ) and PTSD . In the laboratory, the researchers exposed mice to a repeated session of unpredictable stressor ( i . e . predator odor while restrained ), and physical trauma in the form of inescapable foot-shock, and this was also combined with a mTBI . In this study, PTSD animals demonstrated recall of traumatic memories, anxiety, and an impaired social behavior, while animals subject to both mTBI and PTSD had a pattern of disinhibitory-like behavior . mTBI abrogated both contextual fear and impairments in social behavior seen in PTSD animals.
  2. It's difficult to find james a haley in a sentence. 用james a haley造句挺难的


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